
What are the drawbacks of drop servicing?

What are the drawbacks of drop servicing?

Drop servicing is a convenient method of servicing customers’ needs, enabling an enterprise to respond swiftly to any incident that may arise. However, it can have its drawbacks – particularly when dealing with sensitive data like credit card information!

Despite the potential consequences associated with drop servicing, it remains one of the most expedient methods available for addressing customer requests. It’s also less intrusive than picking up the phone and speaking face-to-face with a customer; thus making this process ideal for handling sensitive situations such as lost or stolen cards.

We can miss a critical issue

Are you currently confident in your service technician? Do you know how they were trained and by whom? If not, then this may be another reason to be apprehensive about drop-off service.

No one can deny that a skilled technician is imperative for any job well done; however, if a particular individual lacks mastery on their field of expertise it may result in subpar services or even worse – an error!

Unforeseen circumstances could render standard hours of business as well as the usual call schedule moot. As such, servicers are able to provide superior levels of customer care when they possess intimate knowledge of projects that they’re working on.

We might not be able to get the issue fixed right away

If your issue is a matter of urgency, it’s possible that our technicians could be delayed in reaching your unit. Furthermore, depending on the nature of the issue – such as whether it’s related to power supply or functionality – they may need to seek out additional assistance from other vendors if necessary in order for them to rectify the situation effectively and expeditiously.

If you have an urgent concern, don’t delay and contact us!

It can take longer to get IT support setup and properly staffed

When a business decides to divest in their IT infrastructure and outsource the job to the specialists, they are relinquishing control over their systems’ operation.

The nature of drop servicing means that you’ll be relying on another organization’s expertise to provide management software, manage data center operations and even install new hardware – all tasks which require sustained attention from skilled personnel.

Therefore, it takes longer for IT support to come online. With drop servicing in place, it could take up to six months before your company reaches its full potential!

IT may not be able to fix some issues as effectively as we can

Last, but certainly not least – IT may not be able to fix some issues as effectively as we can. With a drop-in replacement unit, it is often possible to resolve performance issues without needing to invest in a full overhaul.

At the end of the day, you may decide that this arrangement suits your needs better than having IT personnel service your network equipment. However, if you find yourself alternating between visits from the IT department and self-service options such as remote access and software updates, it’s perfectly acceptable!

IT might need to work extra hours/take off time for their work

If an IT professional or employee is unable to take care of a customer’s demands, it could create delays for other customers’ requests.

Ultimately, drop servicing entails fewer hours spent at the office. If an individual is unable to complete a task due to unavailability, then they may incur even greater costs in taking time out from work during busy periods.

IT may cost more than outsourcing support services

Is it possible that, even though you have decided to outsource IT support services, the expenses incurred may be more than what your counterparts who employ in-house personnel were paying? This could lead you towards making a decision like-unconventional outsourcing solutions can sometimes cost more than hiring through traditional channels.

If you are opting for drop-in-service model, IT organizations must provide onsite hardware and software installation for any device brought in for service use. In case of an outsourced solution where tech support personnel arrive at customer sites; these individuals will not need access to any machine or application.


Drop servicing is an effective strategy when you want to redeploy your assets – but it can also be costly. Don’t rush into making a decision; instead, investigate all potential costs and benefits thoroughly before making any decisions regarding your service model.

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