
Back pain – causes and remedies

Back pain - causes and remedies

Back pain is a common symptom of late, unfortunately affecting more and more young people. If in the past back pain was generally specific to the elderly, which is understandable due to the normal wear and tear of the spine, lately more and more young people (even students) are experiencing acute or chronic episodes of back pain.

Causes of back pain in young people:

Working from home (in the pandemic context of the last year) in an unsuitable space can be a momentary explanation – sitting with your laptop in your arms on the sofa or at the kitchen table does not allow the best working position. Just as at home you forget to get out of your chair regularly to take a few steps to stretch.

Sedentariness. But it also affects those who have an office job and do not exercise at all in their free time, whether it’s walking or cycling (if you are interested in the electric bike offer, see here), yoga sessions or going to the gym.

Lifting weights or various traumas can be other causes of back pain, pain that is debilitating and can seriously affect the quality of life, whether acute or chronic (more than three months old). Pay attention to the weights you lift and the way you do it.

Back pain can be located in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar or sacral area. In general, mild or moderate pain goes away by itself after a certain period, but if it is accompanied by other symptoms you should see a doctor urgently: weight loss, fever, pain going down the legs, numbness in the buttocks or genitals.

Among the causes of back pain are:

  • painful muscle or ligament,
  • swollen or ruptured discs,
  • arthritis,
  • skeletal irregularities,
  • osteoporosis, but these causes are identified by thorough investigations by specialists: neurologist, orthopaedist or rheumatologist.

The simplest remedies against back pain are:

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Depending on the intensity of the pain and its cause, your doctor may prescribe various medications, which can relieve pain or reduce inflammation if any.


Strengthening your muscles, learning correct posture is very important for treating back pain, but especially for preventing it from occurring in the future.

Daily movement.

Take care to exercise as often as possible, training your whole body: swimming, walking, stationary cycling are among the simplest sports. If the pain has passed and your doctor recommends it, you can also try tennis (see here for some suggestions for tennis rackets) or team sports to enjoy.

Quality mattress.

Choose the best mattress to support your back (not too soft but not too stiff). This is an investment with double benefits, both for your back health and for a more restful sleep.

Maintain correct posture.

Whether sitting at a desk, eating, walking or sleeping we need to take care to have the correct posture.

Quitting smoking and eating a diet rich in vitamin D are other things you can do for bone and muscle health!

This information is general information and is not a substitute for medical advice!

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