
Natural birth or Caesarean section?

Natural birth or Caesarean section?

Probably the most common dilemma during pregnancy is how to give birth: naturally or by caesarean section? Which of the two methods is better for you?

This decision involves the parents and the specialist doctor, who monitors the mother-to-be throughout the pregnancy and knows about the characteristics and possible health problems of her or the foetus. In the world, there is a tendency to give birth by caesarean section, with doctors probably preferring this option, but also women who fear the pain of a vaginal birth.

There are many theories about what childbirth should look like. It should be noted that vaginal birth is a natural process. A woman’s body is hormonally and mechanically prepared to carry it out even without medical intervention. However, unforeseen events may occur at the time of birth that force professionals to take the decision to perform a caesarean section.

Natural birth or caesarean section – pros and cons

Vaginal birth is the physiological process of giving birth to a baby. In contrast, caesarean section can be elective or emergency.

There are women who prefer to give birth by caesarean section because they are afraid of the pain, but it should be borne in mind that recovery is much slower than with natural childbirth. In any case, at the time of birth, the health of both the baby and the mother to be is always taken into account.

The four factors that will determine a satisfactory birth experience, whether it is a birth or a caesarean section, are: personal expectations and the amount of support the pregnant woman receives, the quality of the pregnant-midwife relationship and how involved the pregnant woman is in the decision-making.

Why are planned caesarean sections performed?

Caesarean sections are scheduled for medical or obstetric reasons or at the patient’s request. Indications for elective caesarean section include: placental alterations, suspected macrosomia, mechanical obstructions such as fibroids or pelvic fractures, uterine surgery with entry into the endometrial cavity.

Can you have a natural birth after caesarean section?

Yes, women with a previous caesarean section can try a vaginal birth. The likelihood of a successful vaginal birth after previous caesarean section is 70.4% in women with one caesarean section and 51.4% in those with two or more previous caesarean sections. The most important determinant of failure to attempt vaginal birth after caesarean section will be the reason for the previous caesarean section.

Does pain-free birth exist?

Pain tolerance is highly variable from one pregnant woman to another. There are non-pharmacological methods for pain relief such as: massage, subcutaneous injection of sterile water, various relaxation and/or breathing techniques, and the use of thermotherapy. On the other hand, we have pharmacological methods such as nitrous oxide, opioids or loco-regional anaesthesia.

Therefore, if you are wondering which is better – normal birth or caesarean section – although the former is more appropriate, you should make your decision taking into account the state of your pregnancy, always following your doctor’s recommendations.

All that remains is to make sure that you receive all the care you need for your stage of pregnancy so that you can have a satisfactory birth experience, whatever type of birth you have.

Always keep in touch with your doctor!

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