Couple Relationships

Friendship between two women is magical

Friendship between two women is magical

We all need harmonious relationships, meaningful relationships and positive emotions to enjoy life to the fullest. We need family, friends and colleagues to spend time with, to do even the smallest things with.

Why? Because we are social beings and the need for belonging and connection is written into our genetic code.

In reality, few people succeed in building positive, long-term relationships based on shared values and open, assertive communication. And this usually happens because we didn’t have positive role models as children. There are adults who have toxic relationships with their parents, have perhaps taken refuge in a couple relationship and have almost no friends left. I’ve written before about loneliness and how we ended up having thousands of “friends” on Facebook and almost none in real life.

However, true friendship deserves our full attention. And a friendship relationship is built and maintained by involving both parties. Friendship between two women, however, has something magical about it. I believe that every woman has a true friend with whom she can be herself and be accepted and appreciated with all her imperfections.

Why women manage to create lifelong friendships:

Women have a natural inclination towards the “tribe”, towards communication and relationship building.

Throughout evolutionary history, women stayed at home, raised children and cared for the household alongside other women, talking and helping each other. We still have this need for communion and communication with other women. Friendship between women sometimes lasts a lifetime because they share a common history, experiences and emotions. And this strengthens relationships over time.

Women often share common values.

And lasting friendships are based on shared values and beliefs. For example safety, love or contribution can unite two women who meet each other’s needs. If I believe that love means listening and encouraging, then I will offer and ask for that from the important people in my life.

For women, it’s not so much about being right as it is about being accepted and being useful to others. That’s why even when they argue, women are quick to settle. Because they value collaboration and communication more than personal pride.

Most women are good confidants.

You can tell a girlfriend your secrets, your biggest dreams or your deepest fears. A good and balanced girlfriend can do more than a psychotherapist or coach. A true friend doesn’t judge you and can give you constructive feedback. Because she genuinely cares about you and wants you to be well.

A friendship between two women can be as deep sometimes, as shallow in discussion sometimes. Depending on the needs of the moment, with a good girlfriend you can talk about fashion, about diets, about the urinary tract infection that bothers you or about candida. And this will be perfectly natural and healthy for your relationship.

Do you have a good girlfriend?

What do you appreciate most in your relationship? I recommend you leave her a message today to thank her for her friendship! You can even give her the link to this article.

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